Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Stupiest Things!

My parents have always been overprotective around me with CIPA (my brother does not have it, but he does not feel much pain on his mouth. He always pull his teeth out or bite his lips just like I do). In kindergarten, all the teachers knew that I have CIPA. They were also very protective, but in a different way. My aunt and other family members would teach me when to say "ouch" to make people know that I'd fall or get hurt in other ways. They probably had a hard time with that. I've always been a bit clumsy and done what I wanted, without giving signs of when I have fallen or got hurt in other ways. At a young age, my brother used to destroy the support of our bunk beds, so there have been many bumps in our room (including sprained my wrist up to several times) The first times, I didn't react to it, but after my aunt teached me to give signs, I would start screaming! The first years of school, I would scream or only say "ouch", then the teachers would ask "where does it hurt?" and I would think "where the hell should I know?". I have always been bullied at school, but when I switched to another in the second class, it was more violent. They would not only use ugly words, but only start beating me up(they thought it was strange that I only responded to the emotional, never the physical). CIPA sufferers feel touch, pressure and emotional pain, just in a different way from others. If you ask me, a life without emotinal pain would be much better!

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