Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Doctor Visit

I usually go to the doctor every Tuesday, but because she had a day off, I had to go Wednesday! Now, when I have opened my heart around CIPA, some of my friends would ask me: How many times do you go to the doctor? My answer would be: Depends on how often I hurt myself! My doctor told me to come as often as I could to check for infections, scratches, cuts, blue marks - and just to make sure I don't have any other problems I can't feel. (The good part is that I don't have any other problems at the moment, except CIPA).

My younger brother is the lucky one. He has no problems. My parents were worried he had when my mom became pregnant. Luckily, he is 110 % fine. Lucky boy!

Btw, wish you all a nice day!

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