Thursday, June 03, 2010

Finger Update!

Do you remember when I wrote about when I broke three of my fingers? Well, it is only 9 days since, but they look a bit better. I went to the hospital this morning, and they told me, that they would be fine soon. This time, my hospital doctor was there (the one who usually helps me, because he knows more about CIPA). Better, because my doctor was not with me this time. Last time, the doctors who helped me had no idea what CIPA was... They have since read a bit about it, so now, a few more doctors know what it is. Yaay!

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Danish Exam!!!

I went to school around 10:20 AM, was at the school around 10:45, went up to our classroom, saw the door and went away again.... I got so nervous, that even the sight of the door could break me down! My teacher phoned me around 11:15 AM (had to go to the exam at 11:25), but they had time to take me in, so I went back to the classroom. I did what I had to do, went out while my teacher and the censor had to discuss what grade I would have. I got a C, which is really not bad. I thought I would get a D, but I did better this time. Congrats to me!